Dedicated to all things X-Tina.

Posts tagged ‘Criminal’

Fool me once: shame on you. Fool me twice: Hi, I’m Casey Serin! (or “Back in the Game?”)

Hello, faithful readers! Summer is here, and the time is right,
for the Serin Family living in the streets!



We may have witnessed Snowflake’s 2011 return, and not a minute to soon – he has, after all, very little time before Island 2012 opens. But before that, we get to witness his annual mental break-down – you know, the one that has brought us the infamous Pirate Party at the Park! So, while we wait for September to come by, we’ll have to make do with Casey’s latest bizarro-land appearance.

There are many things I don’t really “get” about the Serins, but one of their most glaring defects is the fact that it’s really rather obvious they wouldn’t know anything about mid or long-term planning. They just seem to do things in a naturally random way, without any sort of logic to it (I’m pretty sure Casey would call it “Organic”). For example, filing for multiple bankruptcies without any intention of honoring their repayment plan. Or getting a Kohl’s card after their first BK. Sure, that’ll give them short term satisfaction, but in the end, wouldn’t they just rather have paid their BK, or downsized to a smaller house, instead of losing it all?

I blame Casey's parents for his lack of planning skillz. Hell yeah.

I blame Casey's parents for his lack of planning skillz. Hell yeah.

I bet Casey would like a piece of that cake, too.

Where was I? Oh yeah. I’m still sorta shocked (which just goes to show you, I’m either an eternal optimist or a true-blue idiot) about Casey’s latest activities – because I assumed he’d have learned his lesson at this point: someone who takes money away from you in exchange for services isn’t necessarily your friend. Especially when services are intangible, delivered over the Internet, and without any sort of guarantee. Casey has fallen time and time again for this scam, and it seems he’s only happy to do it again.

Enter Mr. Jerry Kennedy. I’m not a professional blogger, so to speak (I actually have a real life job, as most of you know), and I don’t know the “secrets they don’t want you to know” about blogging (probably the reason why my blog is so shitty in the first place)

...and the reason why most of my hits come from "Tila Tequila" searches! Sweet SEO, babe!

...and the reason why most of my hits come from "Tila Tequila" searches! Sweet SEO, babe!

so please, Mr. Kennedy – if I’m wrong about something, let me know. I’ll pretend I care, if you do the same.

Anyway – what happened? Apparently, someone named “Monica” told Mr. Kennedy (The Blog Whisperer) about Casey’s story (which at this point is deader than Michael Jackson’s nose implant), and strangely enough, Casey showed up at a talkcast / radio show / whatever,  just to tell it.


I should be getting tired at playing the role of "Master of the Obvious". But, no.

I should be getting tired at playing the role of "Master of the Obvious". But, no.

Remember what I told you about long / short term planning, the Serin family? Well, riddle me this. Why would Casey agree to be interviewed if he didn’t have a long term goal? Answer: I don’t know, and neither does Casey. But I bet we can all assume – he’s coming back, sooner rather than later. His attention whoring personna got the best of him, but I bet he was also seeking publicity; I don’t think he merely agreed to be asked about his criminal past in exchange for nothing.

Back to Mr. Kennedy, since we need some background. Who’s he?

He has a web site called the “Blog Whisperer”. Which seems right up Casey’s preferences – I bet he thought Kennedy would be whispering on the back of his ear, in a horizontal position, what to write about. But nah, don’t think so – the reaming Kennedy’s doing to Casey ain’t a sexual thing (not that Casey would not enjoy it). Although he really is screwing his over. So to speak. Want grate poof?



Not to say that Casey actually is paying $495 x 3 for… fuck, I don’t know what. But it’s amazing how consistent he is – he always seems to be associated with people hell-bent on screwing someone else  (sorry Jerry!).

Casey's life, in 9 blocks.

Casey's life, in 9 blocks.

I mean – I’m going to get serious for a moment. I have ZERO writing background or experience. I’m not as funny as many of my friends, or interesting, or smart, or attractive, but I found something I enjoy writing about, and apparently, people enjoy reading it. See? That’s the secret. I don’t need a “blog whisperer” for $1,500 telling me what to write about, and neither do you. Nevertheless, let’s see what the package includes.

What’s a Blog Whisperer?

A Blog Whisperer helps you speak with the voice of your soul by teaching you to quiet the voice in your head…

Great. Voices in my head, voices in my soul. I always thought blogging was done with, well, your brains. This is deep stuff, the secrets they don’t want you to know!

You might have even hired one of the experts to help you.

You could drop thousands of dollars on coaches who are supposed to help you be a better blogger; trouble is, they focus on the technical side of things.  Instead of helping you get your ideas out, they start with the next step: helping you get “found” once you’ve actually written something.  They teach things like SEO strategies and using social media to drive traffic to your blog, but you know that’s all pointless until something’s actually there for your new readers to, you know, READ!

Yeah, because the first thing I consider when I’m about to do something is deciding who is going to think about what I’m thinking about doing – no way I’d ever do it myself! (Come to think of it, that’s exactly the way Casey thinks! Coincidence? I say NOT!)

That’s where your Blog Whisperer comes in!

Imagine a guide, someone to help you navigate the dark recesses of your mind and locate the hidden treasures there, and then get them out of your head and onto the screen!  Picture yourself sitting down at your computer, logging in to your blog, and effortlessly creating the kind of content you read on your favorite blogs.

A guide to navigate the dark recesses of my mind who’ll help me find the hidden treasures there. Where does this guy get the inspiration for the amount of verborrhea he uses? I mean, seriously. But hey, your brain enema will cost $1,500 – it has to sound somewhat fancy, I guess.

Even more important, though, just think of your readers having their lives changed by the ideas that you shared, the posts that you created, the content that came from your heart!

I hope to do so. Listen, kids: Casey Serin is a con man, and you don’t need a guy who’s going to give your head a brain enema in order to write a blog. Do it yourself. Save the money.

No writer’s block.  No anxiety. No problem!

You may or may not be a reader of my Motivation 101 Blog (don’t worry: it’s not a requirement for this program).  If you are, you know that I spend a lot of time talking about the importance of just being yourself: open, honest, and transparent.

This guy is getting to be more like Casey Serin – his link is broken (on his own blog, the one that’s trying to sell a $1,500 course on how to blog properly!). The right link is (don’t click – worse than Goatse).  He’s charging $150 to set up your blog over there.

And here’s how I can help…

I’ve created a brand new program to help new and experienced bloggers get those world-changing ideas out of their heads and onto the screen in just 12 weeks…and I want to you to join me.  Here’s what you’ll get:

  • A 1-hour one-on-one initial consultation to establish your mission, vision, and desired outcomes
  • A weekly 1-hour tutorial dealing with one of 12 mission-critical topics, designed specifically to help you make your blog a magnet for your readers, followed each week by 30-minutes of Q&A and an optional 1-hour “blogging period” (during which you and your classmates will have the chance to put what you’ve just learned into practice)
  • Two 1-hour one-on-one follow-up calls to help you stay on track and focused with laser intensity on hitting your goals
  • If you don’t already have one, a self-hosted WordPress blog, complete with your own domain name, 1-year of hosting, and a theme of your choice
  • Unlimited email support for your burning questions between classes (guaranteed 24-hour response time)
Let’s do some numbers, shall we? It’s either a $1K initial payment or a $1.5K deferred one. That buys you:
  • A one hour telephone “consultation”, plus 2 hours of “follow up”.
  • 12 hours of tutorials, 6 hours of Q&A, and an optional 12 hours of jerking around with other people, trying to outblog one another.
  • A blog.
  • “Unlimited” e-mail support.
Considering the tutorials aren’t live, this guy is either charging you $333 per hour, or $500 per hour, depending on how you decide to pay. Sweet. Motherfucking. Allah. Passive. Income!
Make up your own mind about Jerry Kennedy…. I know I already did.
No comment at this time.

No comment at this time.

As to Casey’s show… yeah, I listened to it. Twice. There are a few gold nuggets, so I’m going to go over them… so you don’t have to listen to Kermit T. Frog’s voice again.
“CS: Stated income (lies) are not that big of a deal…”
A lie is a lie, Casey. Maybe some people fudge the numbers up a bit, because of overtime pay or whatever that they cannot fully prove. But you? What kind of income did you have? ZERO. You had already quit Pride. It IS a big deal, because if you hadn’t lied, you’d have got exactly ZERO loans. Period.
“CS: Haterz… blah blah blah, sob, they made my life miserable”.
I can point you to at least one or two comments where I stated, unequivocally, that I wanted to see YOU succed, Casey. Come to think of it – if you hadn’t lied on your statements, left your wife with the Cashcall debt, paid $30K to other scammers (like Kiyosaki), etc., you’d have a) a place to live, b) a gorgeous, hot wife, and c) your dignity intact. As it is, you have nothing – and it’s not because of us, kid. We are all along for the ride – that’s all.
I doubt you were denied jobs because of CampIdiot, CaseyPedia and this website. Why? Easy – if you had a job, Cashcall would come after you faster than Imperial Executive’s 2,400 bps modem (oh, wait…).  same thing with Bob Parsons interview for GoDaddy, even Mr. Kennedy caught you lying there.  There wasn’t any interview, and nobody mailed Bob Parsons in protest-  I’ve been around ever since the beginning of this “epic” saga, and It. Never. Happened. Period. Edited by James Marks: yeah, I’m a retard. Sue me. Then sue the lender.
“JK: Writing your blog was cathartic…you were such a risk taker”
Casey wasn’t in it for the catharsis, he was in it for the attention whoring. He has never shown any remorse about his crimes; all he wants is the attention of haters and family alike (I don’t think there are any supporters at this point). Casey cannot feel any sort of feelings about what he did; it’s as if he just knew people expect him to feel bad about things, so he says he does.
Also, Casey is NOT  a risk taker. I said it several times on There wasn’t any risk to him: he never invested a cent of his own money (it was all “OPM”, as he calls it), and he didn’t have any sort of intention of paying any of it back. So, tell me, what’s the risk on that? He was a mere speculator. Not an investor, and certainly not a risk taker.


CS: They want me in jail…

Well, sure we do. Do you remember the time that guy trespassed on your property? You went apeshit over it and wanted to call the cops. Do you remember when Wells Fargo “stole” your money out of your account (when you had actually given them permission to do such a thing?) You wanted justice done. So what’s wrong with us wanting the exact same thing? You tell me.

CS: My parents don’t like being stalked…

Nobody wants to be stalked, Casey. But people don’t want deadbeats living around them, either. Nor people who are obviously laughing their asses off at others, like us, who pay our taxes and our debts. You and your family had been a burden on America for far too long, and even then, you decided to laugh and mock our country. Remember when you peed on a dollar bill?

Casey Serin pissed on a dollar bill, just to show how grateful he is about the USA accepting his family as immigrants. No, we do not forget.

Casey Serin pissed on a dollar bill, just to show how grateful he is about the USA accepting his family as immigrants. No, we do not forget.

Remember when you used to talk about “let them deal with their own collateral damage”? How your family hangs around public property as if they were crazed chimps in heat? That’s abusing the system – why do you think some people took pics of your parents movements?

Pot. Kettle. Black. Now, go ahead and tell Aleksey and Anna to “deal with their own collateral damage” . The house. Their retirement money. Their dignity. It’s all “collateral damage”.

Oh, you also said you “pulled the plug on the blog” because of the stalking. MORE BULLSHIT. People started taking pics of your parents house AFTER IAFF. You didn’t stop blogging because of it. Yet another lie, in order to make yourself look like a victim.

JK: Would you do it all over again?

One of my favorite answers from you Casey, and our current slogan. You seem to imply that “itsallgood” because you learned a lot of things. No, it’s not all good, because people told you exactly what was going to happen, and you didn’t learn a thing. After you lost 8 houses, you tried your “Soverignity” “A4V” bullshit on your parents home, AND HAD THEM EVICTED AS A RESULT.  How the HELL is that “learning from the past”?

How can you live with yourself?

Frankly, I’m stopping here. I’m overwhelmed (just like Casey said he was 1,000 times during the interview). But, be certain. Casey is coming back. Be prepared.

James Marks,
That’ll be $1,000, or 3 easy payments of $499 each!
July 12th, 2011 

The Serin Bros. Show (or “You spin me right round, baby, right round like a record baby, right round round round.”)

Hello, dear SEC readers!

Not much to post at the moment (not even good Tila shots!), but check this out. A tremendously talented CampIdiot poster wrote one of the funniest recaps of the entire saga. Sheer bloody poetry.

The crowd, having paid $5 each, is quiet. On the brightly lit stage, a hand-painted sign says ‘Cukey Goodman – making cucumbers disappear for your viewing pleasure’. There is a trampoline in the center of the stage – in front of the trampoline there is a padded stool and a low table. On the table is a large cucumber, a kitchen knife, a roll of duct tape, and a jar of Dr Procto’s Lube.

There is a brief smattering of applause as a slight man of about 30, his hair highlighted and combed forward, comes onstage wearing flip-flops and a striped bathrobe. This must be Cukey Goodman.

“And now,” he says, in slightly accented Californian English, “for you, my audience, I will make a cucumber disappear.”

Mr Goodman carefully cuts the end off the cucumber. He pulls off a length of duct tape and turns to clown for the audience as the duct tape gets stuck to his fingers. Eventually he manages to tape the cucumber upright in the center of the stool. He then coats the cucumber in Dr. Procto’s, his fingers lingering on the shaft a little too lovingly for some.

Once this is complete, Mr Goodman kicks off his flip-flops and climbs onto the trampoline. There is a collective gasp and intake of breath from the audience as he drops the bathrobe with a flourish. He begins to bounce, jumping higher and higher as he eyes the distance between the trampoline and the stool. Some people cover their eyes as Mr Goodman’s flaccid penis whirls in a circle in time to his bouncing.

Mr Goodman, satisfied with his last bounce, leaps high in the air toward the stool. From offstage, a woman’s voice with a heavy Slavic accent is heard incongruously yelling ‘Go Kostya Go!’. Cukey, meanwhile, strikes a couple of styles at the top of his leap.

This is his undoing – as he comes down he clutches his knees and pulls them up, aiming his twitching anus at the tip of the heavily-lubed vegetable below, but his clowning has thrown his timing off. He misses, and he smashes squarely into the cuke with his testicles, spattering the front row of the audience with a grotesque salad of cucumber fragments and lube.

The audience files out to get their money back as Cukey lies groaning on the stage.

Anonymous –

Read it once again and you’ll see – the entire 5 years of this criminal saga is there.  Major props, dude.

James Marks
You spin me right round, baby, right round!
May 18th, 2011 

Golden Slumbers / Carry that weight / The End.

Once there was a way,
to get back homeward,

Once there was a way,
to get back home

Sleep pretty darling do not cry,
and I will sing a lullaby

Golden slumbers fill your eyes,

smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry,
and I will sing a lullaby

Once there was a way,
to get back homeward,
Once there was a way,
to get back home

Sleep pretty darling do not cry,
and I will sing a lullaby

Boy you’re gonna carry that weight,
carry that weight for a long time

Boy you’re gonna carry that weight,
carry that weight for a long time

I never give you my pillow,

I only send you my invitations
And in the middle of the celebrations,
I break down

Boy you’re gonna carry that weight,
carry that weight for a long time
Boy you’re gonna carry that weight,
carry that weight for a long time

Oh yeah, all right,
are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?

Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you
Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you

And in the end,

the love you take,

is equal to the love you make.

James Marks
Her Majesty is a pretty nice girl,
May 8th, 2011 

I keep wanting to leave, but they won’t let me (or “Brother, can you spare a dime?”)

I swear I wanted to get away from it all, and promised myself “this time, for sure”. I did a lot of stupid things under the influence. I have no talent. My mom and dad abused me ever since I was young. I even got fat and ugly, but you still wanted me back.

But enough about Britney Spears. This is MY COMEBACK, bitches.

But enough about Britney Spears. This is MY COMEBACK, bitches.

 Honestly, I didn’t have to, but I really wanted to. I’ve apologized to those whom I hurt, but hiding behind my mistakes won’t help me grow up, and,  most importantly, I truly, honestly believed this story was over. After all, our great friend Neighborhood dot had confirmed the fact that moving trucks had been seen outside Serin Manor. To keep rambling on and on about Casey seemed like a moot point.
I had conveniently forgotten a couple of things that happened ever since the auction took place, though – many people thought they were a defense mechanism by members of the Serin Crime Family, although some others (me included) had our doubts, since, well, nobody (and I mean it) is so calm and composed after loosing (r) their family home.
B) and C) may imply that Mr. and Ms. Serin were worried about someone
throwing their wordly posessions (bought by tons of credit cards they never intended to pay back) on the streets, and that they finally succumbed to reality and decided to abandon their luxury 4 br home. But… and this is a huge
oh, yeah. That's one of the other reasons I can't seem to stop writing this blog. That butt!

oh, yeah. That's one of the other reasons I can't seem to stop writing this blog. That butt!

 Why on earth were Casey and Steve so adamant about things? That just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. None at all.
And then, shit happened.
Not that we weren’t expecting it; it’s just like those times when you eat at Taco Bell – you know what’s coming, you think you know how to avoid it, and yet, there you are, hours later, scratching the walls of your bathroom tile with your bleeding nails, screaming like a lioness in heat, moaning “Take me, You Lion King, YOU BRUTE!”.
er… well, it happens. Or so I’ve been told.
American Investors Group, LLC. I wonder - who are they?

American Investors Group, LLC. I wonder - who are they?

So, this is the message that started it all (and thank you all for posting about it on my blog). e-ROSI, the Electronic Recorder On-Line System Index was supposed to record the owner of 4932 Dewey Dr. a couple of days after the transaction took place. And something called “American Investors Group, LLC” was named as the new proprietor. Good thing it said it’s “American”! Phew, for a moment, I was worried.
Think vee foouled dem, Peychev dahling?

Think vee foouled dem, Peychev dahling?

And so, the drama started – because, who would NOT want to know who the new owners of 4932 Dewey Dr. are? Surely, they knew how to use Google – they just had to know the story, right? Well, turns out they did. Just not in the way we were expecting them to.
If the only Houston 500 you know is this one:
…then read on.
American Investors Group - Home of the Whopper!

American Investors Group - Home of the Whopper!

Still not following me? Check out the address. 521 Houston Street. Does it ring a bell? No?
Houston 525? Steve? QUOTING THE BIBLE?

Houston 525? Steve? QUOTING THE BIBLE?

Genesis Auto Enterprises, Inc. – The place where Steve “Funnyman” Serin works.  What a coincidence! The guys who bought 4932 Dewey Dr. work next door!
GEE! What a coincidence! The person next door to Genesis Auto, run by Peter Peychev, is called Olga Peychev, just like his wife!

GEE! What a coincidence! The person next door to Genesis Auto, run by Peter Peychev, is called Olga Peychev, just like his wife!

You mean, Peter Peychev, ANNA SERIN’S BROTHER? My, what an incredible coincidence. Because, it couldn’t have been that Olga Peychev was, in fact, Peter Peychev’s wife, and her company bought 4932 Dewey Drive in order to save the Serins… right?
Well, the Yolo County Clerk website has this transaction on record for the Peychevs.
Recording Date 2011-04-11
Document Number 10080
Pages 1Type ASSIGN
Grantors MERS INC
So… hey, wait a minute, there’s Peter Peychev and Olga Peychev! Did they just get a loan, or what? And the date… April 11th, 2011…
Here’s the deal, my friends.


So, I hope you now understand why this story is far from over.  I don’t know if this is a scam, an outright fraud, or whatever. But the fact of the matter is – the Serins aren’t going anywhere.


There are so many things that need to be said, so many questions that are still unanswered…
Why was Steve’s car parked as if to block entrance to the garage, when the house was safe and sound in the hands of the Crime Family (Serin, Peychev – they are all the same)?
Did the Peychev  Family suggest the Serin Crime Clan to file for BK three times in order to lower the entry price on the auction?
Will the Serin Homeless Crime Family pay the Peychevs rent? Or, was the whole deal a heartwarming gift for Peter’s sister and her retarded husband?
Was Casey involved?
Because Casey used to “talk Real Estate” with Peter Peychev – even before the IAFF days.
A pretty good Easter service at the Russian church in West Sacramento, celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Then lunch at Suprun’s, then we swing by Mistuiks, then I go to Peter Peychev’s house and talk to him about real estate.
Hey, April 16th, 2006. That was 5 years ago, basically! And it was during Holy Week. Coincidence?
I already told you, James. The Serins are as far away from me as Casey is from corporate credit!

I already told you, James. The Serins are as far away from me as Casey is from corporate credit!

You know, I can’t help but wonder – is this a one time thing, a deal made out of spite in order to help a sister, or are the new landlords a Crime Family themselves? Only time will tell, I assume. Meanwhile, both families have managed, yet once again, to evade justice by exploiting any and all loopholes available.
Kinda like me at your new home, James! Well, at least I'm sorta cuddly and cute.

Kinda like me at your new home, James! Well, at least I'm sorta cuddly and cute.

I find it pretty much incredible that a family that has:
  1. Rejected paying back every single debt they have,
  2. At least 4 cars and a flat screen TV,
  3. A son that acquired close to 2.2 million dollars in debt,
  4. A home they stopped paying for years ago,
  5. Mocked the entire justice system
Can get their home free after all. No fucking way. This isn’t happening!
But it is. And even worse, Casey has turned into a flesh-eating zombie with a stupid looking goatee and eyes like an alien. Maybe he ate a radioactive bug.
"I couldn't find a t-shirt that screamed "I'M A TOURIST!" any louder!"
“I couldn’t find a t-shirt that screamed “I’M A TOURIST!” any louder!”
And, speaking of Snowflake, someone just posted this at CI.  I suppose he saw me quitting WordPress, and he wanted to steal some of my thunder. That freakin’ bastard; can’t he have one freakin’ original idea?
i try hard to accept my past and all this i brought upon myself. The “bad things” they only make us stronger. i believe everything works out for the good of those who love each as confident and as powerful as ever in my entire life. the sky is the limit! i want to be in it for LOVE. i will always remeber those beautiful words – “for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health”

About to quit facebook for a while anyway and want to enjoy which way my life is going

Good Bye.

Anon_Caseysleuth at CampIdiot proposes the best theory I’ve ever read regarding what really happened at Jamaica – I agree with him 100%. Nobody moved out of 4932 Dewey Dr. – someone moved in!
Fuck. Fuck, Fuckety Fuck and Fuck Casey some more.

We’ve been looking at the wrong things. Totally wrong.

In all the focus on the foreclosure and possible eviction, we forgot a couple of things:

1) He had said a while back that he was getting married to the latest brainless bimbo in APRIL.
2) He took a week-long trip to Jamaica, which he couldn’t have possibly paid for himself, in APRIL.
3) A small moving van showed up outside the Serin place shortly after we believe him to have returned from Jamaica.
4) He said something about Jamaica having been great and that “we” would go back again.

Only one possible conclusion folks: The dumb bimbo married him. They went to Jamaica on a honeymoon, probably paid for by the bimbo’s parents. The small Budget truck on Saturday was not the Serins moving out, but her moving in!

Yes, she married her way into the room with the horrible wallpaper. Dumb bitch.

If anybody can come up with a better explanation of the chain of events, please let me know..

So, there you go. This is why I had to come back. If those fucks insist on laughing in the face of America, America has a right to laugh back at them. Consider this as the best irritainment your taxes can buy, and laugh your ass off.
And, in all seriousness – thank you ALL for your messages. From the bottom of my heart, there are very few things that can make someone really happy, and you did such a thing. God Bless You All (and, if you are an Atheist, well, God won’t bless you but rest assured, I’m deeply grateful for your words).
James Marks
For Love, Justice and Truth. And Tila, of course.
April 21st, 2011.

Never was so much owed by so many to so few.

Thank you, Neighborhood Dot, for all your efforts. This is a pic that will live in infamy (or fame? I dunno).

Who cares about the Serin Crime Family? Have some Tequila!

Who cares about the Serin Crime Family? Have some Tequila!

Just kidding. You truly deserve all the praise you get, dude.

So long, Crime Family!

So long, Crime Family!

Honestly – I never thought I’d see this day; I (stupidly) believed Casey would put up far more of a fight (but hey, he’s more of an “ideas” guy, executing them ain’t his forte).



Remember – he was the man who was going to educate the courts on why the lender had to be sued, or some sort of Accepted 4 Value bullshit (which, ladies and gentlemen, DOESN’T WORK: exhibit A, 4932 Dewey Drive).

I see a topless Bimmer on that pic, and a nice SUV. I wonder if those are the cars of the new owners – if so, ND, maybe you should tell them to call a Priest, a Rabbi, a Buddhist Monk, a pest control dude, and to report any cuke they find to their local authorities. Oh, and ask them to destroy the family’s bathtub. Just to be on the safe side.

You know – I’m reminded of the time I had to tell the previous owners of the house I live in that they had to get out. You may think I’m a Grade A asshole, but that was one of the worst days of my life – there isn’t anything funny about watching an entire family leave your home. I still feel sorta bad about the whole deal.

Step one is under control. What's next?

Step one is under control. Whats next?

But the Serin family seems to be a bit different, at least to me. We have lots of clues about their behavior – we know they rack up debt like Rita Serin pops babies (and have no intention on paying it back), they have no respect for public property, consider other people’s money as the basis for all riches, they dislike America and all it stands for,  etc. But, personally, I can’t say I hate them. Many people have said in the past Casey is actually a nice person to be around with, I imagine Tim and Steve are the same.

I guess the Serin Crime Family is, to me, a metaphor for our entire justice system. We know there are thousands of deadbeats who abuse the system as they do – but Casey had the brains (!?!) to expose their dealings on the Internet, thinking of himself as the next Kiyosaki, or Trump (or maybe Frank Abagnale). In doing so, he opened our eyes to the incredibly sociopathical dealings of a segment of our population – the way so many people twist and destroy the basis of our society just to make their perception of reality fit within the confines of acceptable behavior. It was (is) a story full of  hate (yes, hate) towards America, contempt for every institution that makes our country so great, and, quite thankfully, the main characters completely misunderestimated

Casey Serin 2012! You could do worse, and you always have!

Casey Serin 2012! You could do worse, and you always have!

the strength of our institutions, and the flawed, but useful  basis of our legal system (myself sorta included, sometimes I also thought those guys would get away with it).

I hadn't seen so much wishful thinking ever since Casey wanted to be Houston in "The Houston 500"

I hadnt seen so much wishful thinking ever since Casey wanted to star in "The Worlds Biggest Gang-Bang 3: The Houston 500"

This is a GOOD day for us. It’s definite proof that the system works, and that’s a terrific thing for law-abiding people.

We thought Daddy Serin would file next!

We thought Daddy Serin would file next!

I’ll forever wonder if those mails people sent to  Aceituno and the gang helped the cause. The world will never know; regardless, aren’t you glad you paid your mortgage on time?

James Marks
We won, Casey. #DEAL,
April 17th, 2011 

All is fair in love and war (or “An offer you can’t refuse, Steve”)

Good morning, faithful readers.


OK, I kid myself. I have a seriously devoted audience. I just checked out my SEO, and I’m HOT, baby! HOT!

Search Terms for all days ending 2011-04-14 (Summarized)

All Time

Search Views
tila tequila 4,586
accepted for value 1,700
epic fail 1,499
a4v 1,408
accepted for value scam 1,081
casey serin 774

I find it deeply ironic that the subject of this board (Casey Serin) ranks 6th on my search engine terms, with Tila Tequila as #1, even beating A4V (my hottest topic up to a couple of months ago). I said it before and I’ll say it again -sex sells. Although, apparently, people would rather see a hot chick rather than a guy who cukes (cuked!) himself on his family’s bathroom. So, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.


(SEO ProTips courtesy of Nigel Swaby, Inc).

So, where was I? Oh yeah. cukes.

I’ve been wondering for quite a while whether Steve, Rita, or any members of the Serin family want to step forward and tell us “what really happened”. I know this is a long shot, but think about it. Maybe there’s something we don’t know about the foreclosure thing. Perhaps there’s more than we know… what if it was really all Casey’s fault, and mom and dad were innocent? Perhaps he’s in Jamaica because his parents noticed how much of a fuck-up he is; I don’t know. Either way.

If there’s a member of the Serin family who wants to set the record straight, use the “Contact me”  link on top of the page. I’ll post your story as an entry , without any comments of my own.

Yeah, I know it’s a long shot. But hey, I’d like to think myself as unbiased.

James Marks
Nobody is unbiased, but I’d like to think I am,
April 14th, 2011



The pain you caused, Casey, came back to haunt you 10-fold.


 Good morning, faithful readers,

I’ll be updating this post as developments happen. So, I’ll not be adding unecessary info.






So, here you go. April 11th: OPENING BID HAS BEEN SET.


Go Kostya, Go!

Go Kostya, Go!


April 11th, 1.30 PM Pacific Time: Still ON.

April 11th, 8.00 PM PST: FULL SPEED AHEAD.





James Marks
April 11th, 2011

Casey, don’t be a coward and file that BK (or “Yes Man!”)

Good afternoon, SEC readers!

It has been such a lovely day today… one of those strange times when it seems nothing can go wrong.

Now, I only need 48 more hours of good luck.

Now, I only need 48 more hours of good luck.

This is good. Real good. Like finding out that your little brothers’ kindergarten teacher is Demi Moore’s younger sister. And she happens to be the cute one.

Hi James! I'd fall in love with you, but you are infatuated wif Tila. Sorry!

Hi James! I'd fall in love with you, but you are infatuated wif Tila. Sorry!

So, what happened? Think about it. Nothing has yet happened, and in all honesty, probably nothing will. BUT – and this is a very big

This was supposed to be a pic of a big "butt", but I couldn't pass up posting Tila again.

This was supposed to be a pic of a big "butt", but I couldn't pass up posting Tila again.

anything can happen tomorrow (Monday). Supposedly, Casey is in Jamaica, so he won’t be filing yet another fraudulent BK. Daddy’s home, though, and the Crime Family can always try doing a fraudulent transfer. So, let’s stay calm and wait until April 12th. It’s not that far away.

Anyway, in case (WTF, I KNOW Casey reads this) you are reading Casey – here’s something CI prepared for you. It’s just too fun not to post.

File, bitches, file. Trev fucking DARES you to file.

File, bitches, file. Trev fucking DARES you to file.

File dat petition, bitch!
File dat petition, bitch!
"Filing that paperwork is better than gold, casey!"

"Filing that paperwork is better than gold, casey!"

Casey, you limp dick, file the petition dahling!

Casey, you limp dick, file the petition dahling!

Casey, don't let all that seminar and NRU training go to waste, file the petition!

Casey, don't let all that seminar and NRU training go to waste, file the petition!

Re: casey serin: back in the gameThere is no hope in Jamaica - to save the house, come back to Sacramento and file the paperwork, you must

There is no hope in Jamaica - to save the house, come back to Sacramento and file the paperwork, you must

Do not let the capitalist pigs take that which is rightfully yours. It would be worse than going into space, then dying in a plane crash! Yuri urges you to take action in his memory!

Do not let the capitalist pigs take that which is rightfully yours. It would be worse than going into space, then dying in a plane crash! Yuri urges you to take action in his memory!

Re: casey serin: back in the game"Where will you and your buds hang out and 'play' if you don't get that paperwork filed?!"

"Where will you and your buds hang out and 'play' if you don't get that paperwork filed?!"

"File the fucking petition you cocksucking nimrod!"

"File the fucking petition you cocksucking nimrod!"





I'm sick and tired of this shit. File the god..damn petition! File it now!

I'm sick and tired of this shit. File the god..damn petition! File it now!


Look Casey, dude. I just graduated from high school with a C average so I already know life isn't fair. Everyone at school thought I was fuckin' awesome but I know I'll be lucky to get a job working at a bank or selling insurance before I'm thirty. That's why ya gotta file that petition, man. The world is trying to keep dudes like you and me from getting stuff that smart assholes are gettin'. This is your chance to fuck those assholes back and show them that bein' smart don't mean shit to awesome dudes like us.

Look Casey, dude. I just graduated from high school with a C average so I already know life isn't fair. Everyone at school thought I was fuckin' awesome but I know I'll be lucky to get a job working at a bank or selling insurance before I'm thirty. That's why ya gotta file that petition, man. The world is trying to keep dudes like you and me from getting stuff that smart assholes are gettin'. This is your chance to fuck those assholes back and show them that bein' smart don't mean shit to awesome dudes like us.

"File it, and We'll give you sweet double cousin-love!"

"File it, and We'll give you sweet double cousin-love!"


"Sounds right. It's okay with us."

"Sounds right. It's okay with us."

Casey, this is your sister. File that petition! Or don't! I really don't care! I moved out of that house so it makes no difference to me. Four years of Bible College thought me that God will protect anyone who doesn't smoke so Mom and Dad will be fine. Also I hate them for naming me when they were drunk.

Casey, this is your sister. File that petition! Or don't! I really don't care! I moved out of that house so it makes no difference to me. Four years of Bible College thought me that God will protect anyone who doesn't smoke so Mom and Dad will be fine. Also I hate them for naming me when they were drunk.

Yo man, I hear they gonna be a new crack house on Dewey in a coupla weeks! Damn, that dumb white boy sho' shoulda filed dat po-tition!

Yo man, I hear they gonna be a new crack house on Dewey in a coupla weeks! Damn, that dumb white boy sho' shoulda filed dat po-tition!

Casey, it looks like the best part of you dribbled out of your Mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.  I think you been cheated! Now, file the fucking fraudulent petition, or I will gouge out your eyes and skull fuck you!!!!!!!!

Casey, it looks like the best part of you dribbled out of your Mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress. I think you been cheated! Now, file the fucking fraudulent petition, or I will gouge out your eyes and skull fuck you!!!!!!!!


Yo bud, catch some waves in Jamaica bro, smoke some ganja, come back and file.  Peace bro!

Yo bud, catch some waves in Jamaica bro, smoke some ganja, come back and file. Peace bro!

Hey Casey, why did we lose our house??
Hey Casey, why did we lose our house??
Because the mortgage was illegal, and your strawman rights were violated?

Because the mortgage was illegal, and your strawman rights were violated?

No, because you didn't file the petition. File that fucker now!

No, because you didn't file the petition. File that fucker now!

For fuck's sake, Casey, stop thinking and just file the fucking petition already!

For fuck's sake, Casey, stop thinking and just file the fucking petition already!

Kostya, your mother and I love you so much. You are our most beloved son. If you love us do the Christian thing and file the petition. Jesus will understand. If you don't, I don't know how long your mother and I will survive...

Kostya, your mother and I love you so much. You are our most beloved son. If you love us do the Christian thing and file the petition. Jesus will understand. If you don't, I don't know how long your mother and I will survive...


Re: casey serin: back in the game"You were my role model, Uncle, but now you are going to give up...? I'd give the suit off my back to help you file."

"You were my role model, Uncle, but now you are going to give up...? I'd give the suit off my back to help you file."

"Did you learn nothing from me? Get off your ass and file."

"Did you learn nothing from me? Get off your ass and file."


"It stinks to hear you aren't filing!"

"It stinks to hear you aren't filing!"


Casey, if Carl Sagan were still alive, first he'd ask for his clothes back. Second, he'd tell you to file that petition!

Casey, if Carl Sagan were still alive, first he'd ask for his clothes back. Second, he'd tell you to file that petition!

"Casey, you want me living on the beach? File, dammit! Under my name!"

"Casey, you want me living on the beach? File, dammit! Under my name!"


Please forgive me for asking this, but don't you think moma or papa should be the one to file? Casey has already taken his share or the burden ~

Please forgive me for asking this, but don't you think moma or papa should be the one to file? Casey has already taken his share or the burden ~


"I propose you file right away, Casey!"

"I propose you file right away, Casey!"

"I'll be nursing some bad feelings if you don't file!"

"I'll be nursing some bad feelings if you don't file!"

"I have detailed information about the situation...which completely proves that what they allege are illusions . . . They lie every day."

"I have detailed information about the situation...which completely proves that what they allege are illusions . . . They lie every day."

It's only perjury if you sign in blue ink

It's only perjury if you sign in blue ink

Inside where? Oh no, you don't

Inside where? Oh no, you don't

"I'm knocked out to hear you might not file."

"I'm knocked out to hear you might not file."


"Look at what you could have, by just filing! Remember our talks!"

"Look at what you could have, by just filing! Remember our talks!"


"So, I'll be BANKING on that paperwork getting filed!"

"So, I'll be BANKING on that paperwork getting filed!"

"Casey, don't leave me on the sidewalk! File!"

"Casey, don't leave me on the sidewalk! File!"

"I was deflated to find you may not file."

"I was deflated to find you may not file."

"Don't disappoint me! Where will I live when I come to America, Daddy?"

"Don't disappoint me! Where will I live when I come to America, Daddy?"


The Russian narod, past, present, and future, expect you to do your duty to the Rodina and file!

The Russian narod, past, present, and future, expect you to do your duty to the Rodina and file!

Hey Casey. As a true 100% corn-fed American patriot, I know you'd have to be a moran not to file that petition.

Hey Casey. As a true 100% corn-fed American patriot, I know you'd have to be a moran not to file that petition.

"we were AIMING to see you SHOOT off that paperwork, bro!"

"we were AIMING to see you SHOOT off that paperwork, bro!"

Re: casey serin: back in the gameThe clerk's office opens in 20 minutes.  You will then have 7.5 hours to file, bitch. (or you can be a real stud and wait until tomorrow morning) - your choice, pass or play.  Just remember X-tina

Re: casey serin: back in the gameThe clerk's office opens in 20 minutes. You will then have 7.5 hours to file, bitch. (or you can be a real stud and wait until tomorrow morning) - your choice, pass or play. Just remember X-tina


Hey Casey, don't worry about me. A few of your super awesome friends have offered me places to live for free. They heard about me at some web site called "Camp Idiot". They heard about Mom and Dad losing the house and wanted to make sure that I had a safe place to stay until I find a place of my own. They sound like real gentlemen.

Hey Casey, don't worry about me. A few of your super awesome friends have offered me places to live for free. They heard about me at some web site called "Camp Idiot". They heard about Mom and Dad losing the house and wanted to make sure that I had a safe place to stay until I find a place of my own. They sound like real gentlemen.

On Tuesday, I'll be back ... you little girly man. If you haven't filed, I'm going to take that murse......AND RAM IT DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT.

On Tuesday, I'll be back ... you little girly man. If you haven't filed, I'm going to take that murse......AND RAM IT DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT.


Re: casey serin: back in the game"But if Casey doesn't refile, what's going to happen to his beard?"

"But if Casey doesn't refile, what's going to happen to his beard?"


"It'll probably end up wrapped around some big black dude's cock."

"It'll probably end up wrapped around some big black dude's cock."


No, you fool! I was talking about his girlfriend!"

No, you fool! I was talking about his girlfriend!"

"So was I!"

"So was I!"




"Get bradical on that paperwork and file right away!"
“Get bradical on that paperwork and file right away!”

file bastard

file bastard

Casey has no plans to file an petition? Most illogical...

Casey has no plans to file an petition? Most illogical...

"Hey, what are you auctioning off? Wait, that's my parents' house! I guess I should have filed the petition after all!"

"Hey, what are you auctioning off? Wait, that's my parents' house! I guess I should have filed the petition after all!"

James Marks
File, Darn ya, File,
April 10th, 2011

You know, I think Jim Jones would have been proud of Casey (or “WWTF”)

Good afternoon, SEC readers. I have good news for you.

"It's as long as a regulation yardstick!"

"It's as long as a regulation yardstick!"

OK, let me explain – if you need me to.

Remember what happened last time Casey got really, really overwhelmed?

June 11th, 2007   7:44 pm

Australia and Idiot Haterz

Yes, I’m here in Australia. The rumors are true. But a lot of people are slanting the story to make it seem worse than it is. These people are spreading crap about me to ruin anything left of my name and ruining the reputation of everybody who is associated with me…

For now… why in the WORLD am I in Australia?

I have been thinking of getting away and doing some massive action in business for a while. I wanted to focus on getting the foreclosure book done and get a lot of other stuff done in a distraction-free environment… I may want to take a little break and get away, focus and work on my book and stuff like that. That was exactly what I wanted.

Exactly. Last time he was really under pressure, he left his wife to deal with

and escaped to Australia.

And now that Aleksey and Anna Serin’s house is going to be sold on April 12th, and Anna can’t file (neither can Casey), WWCD?

Well, there’s just one thing we can be sure of. Casey ain’t gonna be around to care, mon!

Casey and his boyfriend

You do remember the “Bromance” thing, don’t you? It’s funny, because.. come to think of it. This blog has literally dozens of stories where I discuss at length (ahem) Casey’s sexuality – and he seems hell-bent on proving he’s gay. And, right now, he’s cavorting with a good looking south-african-american (is that PC enough, or what!) on a remote beach in Jamaikiztan. I bet mommy and daddy are so proud (that is, if they have finished shitting their pants from what’s coming to them this April 12). I mean, Liberace was called gay for far less than that (not really, but you get the idea).

This is what he wrote on FaceBoog, and all the info we have (besides his pic):


# Casey Serin ‎“Your full-immersion tour/stay package is good deal. Thank you.” [Couch Surfing in Jamaica Day 1 with my new friend/host/guide] 
# Bruce Collins Wow, you’re in Jamaica!
 3 hours ago · 2 people




             # August Feldner Most excellent.
             # Paradise Vacation When are you coming?

            # Mike Smullin awesome casey. keep the pictures coming


So, what’s Casey doing over there? Is he planning to help rebuild Haiti? Will he be the next Jim Jones? Is he going for the all-natural Father of All Master Cleanses? Nah, it’s far simpler than that – he’s doing the “couch surfing thing”, with some unknown guy; although some people believe he’s with the Paradise Vacation dude, I’m not so sure. Check out his question to Casey – it’s obvious he isn’t with him. Still.

His name is Alex Reid, just in case.

His name is Alex Reid, just in case.

Alex Reid is the guy behind Paradise Vacations. What does he offer?


*** US$70 per night, 2 bedrooms***

*** US$40 per night, 1 bedroom***

Special discount for bookings more than 10 days!

2 bedroom house (air-conditioned), in the quiet community of Rhyne park Village, Rose Hall – Montego Bay. Live like a jamaican with Jamaican neighbours, learn to cook and eat Jamaican food, listen to the music and dance Jamaican too. 25 minutes from downtown Montego Bay, 20 minutes from the Sangsters International Airport (mbj) and beaches all over to choose from.

Comfortable living area with all the amenites of a modern house.

· Unlimited broadband internet access

· Broadband Cable TV

· Hot and cold shower and bath

· Comfortable and spacious living area

· Fully equipped kitchen

· Beautiful landscape

We await your arrival, our representative and transport will await you at the Sangsters International Airport (MBJ – airport code), Montego Bay.

We will assist you with planning your vacation at no extra cost, get help with info on the best tours, restaurants, clubs, events, sightseeing, hotels, package deals, flight info and more

Seems a bit pricy for Kostya. Hey, who knows. Maybe he’s planning to move with his entire Crime Clan to Jamaica!

Know what’s even funnier? Casey was supposed to get married this month. Which sorta makes sense – this guy had to save his parents home from foreclosure, get married and, well, you know, have sex with a real woman. If you were a gay faggot, you’d be scared too (about the sex thing, obviously). No wonder he ran away – as far away as he could… or… maybe he really was gay, and his family gave him the finger (no, not that – he may have shoved it up his ass).

Or, perhaps there’s something else. You know, at this point, CashCall has gone full apeshit over Casey, and his BK dismissal doesn’t seem to be a warm and cozy thing. Is Casey finally an official fugitive? Did he finally panic?


Here’s something else a good Samaritan from CI posted – if you aren’t sure by now about what Casey is trying to do, this will make everything clear. Check it out.

Under the radar

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Going under the radar is “Grown Up Business ManCasey Serin‘s way of describing an unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.

In a comment since deleted from IAFF, Serin noted:

If I don’t catch [my payments] up sooner or later the debt will get sold to collectors and/or they will try to collect in court. At that point I may have to seek bankruptcy protection or go under the radar somehow.[1]

Serin would later reportedly do just that, leaving the United States for Australia, as a potential fugitive.

So, let’s check out the references for that article. His was post #34:

@Jim: seeking legal advice… actually I do have a pro bono attorney that gives me some advice from time to time. I also have another local RE attorney guy that used to help me but he is kind of flaky/busy lately. But really, in this case there is nothing I can really do to stop foreclosure, legal advice or not.

Maybe I SHOULD look into Pre-paid legal. I’ve heard about it many times. I wonder how quality it is. But watch this, say I signup for it then all the haters will give me flack over joining an MLM. (I probably shouldn’t care too much about what the haters think, they are going to hate no matter what I do).

@Jimmy C / Bob C: paying back every penny… yes I did say I want to repay all that debt without BK or short sale. However that was a few months ago. Going through this experience has definitely made me more aware of the reality of my situation.

I can wish for idealistic things like repaying all my debt and stuff like that but in reality it’s going to be a very hard thing to accomplish unless I find a way to refinance it.

And getting 5 more night jobs and working 24hr/day is not the answer. No job is going to pay me enough to float my thousands dollars of minimum payments and tens of thousands to catchup all the past due balances. Look at my balance sheet a few posts back and YOU tell me how I can float those payments.

If I don’t catch them up sooner or later the debt will get sold to collectors and/or they will try to collect in court. At that point I may have to seek bankruptcy protection or go under the radar somehow. There is a small chance I can work out some kind of a forbearance agreement and get my payments lowered.

I have like 23 accounts between my w*** and I. That’s alot of forbearance agreements to negotiate. And usually the forbearance/repayment plans have a higher payment per month because they want you to pay minimum plus a small portion of the past due balance until I get caught up.

Unless I can talk every one of those account into giving me a super low interest rate I’m not going to be able to float several thousand dollars of payment every month PLUS a forbearance payment.

No, I’m not lying about my desire to repay all the money. However, desires/wishes and reality are not always the same thing I’m finding out.

I can’t keep living fantasy world, I must learn to be more realistic so that’s why I am changing some of my attitudes that you may have seen earlier on this blog.


This is how he cleaned it up.

  • For those who want to attend the foreclosure sale, I got an email from somebody with precise directions because apparently the address on the letter is misleading:

    Hey Casey – couldn’t figure this out online, because it’s a new building and it’s not indexed yet, so I did it the old fashioned way. I called them and asked.

    It’s actually in Rio Rancho at the new courthouse. Can’t figure out while their web page says Bernalillo.

    It’s actually in a very safe area in Rio Rancho. I guess it must be a technical thing were the boundaries change and causes an unusual address.


    Directions From Southern and Rio Rancho Blvd. where the Smith’s Grocery store is. Go NB on Hwy 528. A few miles, Turn left on Idalia. It is on the west side and it is across from the Rivers Edge Housing Development.

    It appears to be a very short distance from your house there. Just a few minutes past it.

    Here is the best link I could find:…..8;zipcode=

    Below is the link to the district court that I called and asked. I called the “Sandoval County Judicial Complex” and they gave me those directions.

    Hope this helps and that it’s all correct. I did my best. Idalia is in a safe area and I’ll be glad to go as long as it’s not snowing or raining hard.

    Rio Rancho Friend

    Thanks you Rio Rancho Friend.

  • Since I’ll be in the area and I have the week off, I figure I’ll head into town and make a video of it tomorrow. I’ve never been to a RE auction before!

  • Quote: “I can’t keep living fantasy world, I must learn to be more realistic so that’s why I am changing some of my attitudes that you may have seen earlier on this blog.”

    In that case, you need to get a job, maybe even 2 or 3. Get your a** working.

  • What do you mean by:

    “I may have to go under the radar”

    Does that mean you will try to weasel your way out of your creditors garnishing your paycheck or what is rightfully yours?

    Thanks Casey I have just sent your “under the radar” comment to Jan Scully the Sacramento DA as further evidence of your intent to defraud the public.





    He did exactly what he talked about 4 years ago. His debt was sold,  and he has gone under the radar. At least he’s consistent.

    Oh, I almost forgot – why would this be a good thing for us? Easy. Casey in Jamaica  – what can go wrong? Just think about it – Malaria, Diphteria, Chagas, Cholera, AIDS  the shits – you name it, it’s gonna be awesome!

    James Marks

    Maybe he’s a sex slave by now,
    April 7th, 2011