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Posts tagged ‘Not Gay’

Why do we “hate” Casey Serin?

Steve Serin got me thinking about it with his current “say something positive about my moronic brother, Gay Sey Serin” post.

A gay ass. Yeah, I love this image.

A gay ass. Yeah, I love this image.

OK, time to get serious. As much as I love to make fun of his very gay brother, Casey Serin, no. I don’t hate him. As a matter of fact, I don’t even think he’s gay. He just has some narcissist tendencies – a bit of a metrosexual dude. There’s no harm in *that*.

I believe I actually have supported him in the past. Time and time again, on his old Iamfacingforeclosure blog, I spent some time telling him to get a job. To respect his wife, Galina (who, I may add, is quite teh hottie). To get an education. To stop drinking Roberto Culosaki’s Kool-Aid. To honor his parents. To pay his debts. To stop lying to his creditors. Not to flee to Australia. Not to leave his wife. To honor his contract with the No Limit Ladies. To follow Duane LeGate and Mark Villaseñor’s advise. To come back to the United States and Face the Music. That posting a pic of himself peeing on a dollar bill was an incredible sign of disrespect towards the country that gave him asylum.  The list goes on and on.

Quite frankly, I can’t imagine myself giving any more support to him.

Of course, his own definition of “support” is a completely differnt thing. To him,  it means not criticising every move he makes, no matter how incredibly idiotic it is. Support is paying for his trip to Australia. Support is other people paying for trips around the world. Support is paying for TWO FREAKING IPHONES. Support is having his wife abandon college so she can scrub toilets and burn CD-R’s, while he rests.

There’s a fine line between enabling a self-confessed criminal, and supporting a man who is willing to do better. No, it’s not a fine line. It’s a HUGE FREAKING THICK BLACK LINE. But I digress.

Casey Serin has been supported by so many people it hurts my brain when I think about it.

  • Amy Coleman – a realtor who attempted to assist Casey in a short sale of his Larchmont property. Coleman ultimately reneged on the partnership when Casey posted her picture and business information on IAFF, causing her to receive some undesirable attention and repeated comments noting that she had nice boobs.
  • Angel Lynn – another realtor the KC “worked” for. Speculation swirls as to who actually got run over as Angel’s assets would probably repel most bus bumpers. Without her knowledge or permission, Casey put a carefully-staged picture on his flickr account that, with a little Google help, gave away her blog’s location. Traffic zoomed, but none of it was useful or desirable. She eventually gave Casey the axe, but not before an army of trolls had vandalized the blog and flooded her inbox.
  • Anna Serin – Casey’s mother. Casey left the country after getting her to make a personal guarantee on credit for Hammar.
  • Annie – offered $250 if Casey would stay up most of the night answering questions. He evaded many of her questions but still tried to collect on the $250.
  • Chris Record – offered Casey a job, but Casey couldn’t be bothered to put in 40 hours a week because he had too many sweet deals coming to do real work.
  • Damion Lupo – KC’s latest most recent shiniest partner is his book vanity exercise. No doubt he is discovered boy wonder’s skills at prevarication, procrastination and promising the world but delivering very little other than bad publicity.
  • Duane LeGate – a mentor who was finding a buyer for IAFF; Casey played him against other supposed buyers.
  • East Coast Mentor – Steve Cook was strung along by Casey and ultimately dropped in favor of the No Limits Ladies.
  • Galina – his wife – abandoned with one hour’s notice by Casey when he became a fugitive and fled to Australia.
  • HeeKee – gave Casey free hosting, which Casey griped about, and later turned down, because he wanted to be able to run advertisements on IAFF. It is unclear whether he added the advertisements before or after ending the hosting agreement with HeeKee.
  • LossMitPro – a loss mitigation specialist who was willing to help Casey – the result was aborted referral association plus aborted professional-services association. The relationship ended spectacularly online. LossMitPro then sued Casey and used his sweet leverage to force Casey to agree to sell IAFF and give the proceeds to Galina’s debtors.
  • Marty Stewart – “The Publisher” – it now appears that Casey himself was responsible for “outing” him to numerous outsiders, despite having an NDA in place.
  • Nigel Swaby – a mortgage broker who was going to turn IAFF into a foreclosure resource site, but agreement fell through because Casey didn’t want to get a W-2 job.
  • No Limits Ladies – Sweet media people, with whom Casey signed a contract giving them all media rights to his story, which he then proceeded to ignore.
  • Steve Serin – his brother who called in to the talkcast, Casey responded positively to his suggestions and then cut him off to take another caller.
  • We Want The Funk – while giving the constipated Casey a ride to the Salt Lake City bus terminal, his classic and beloved first-year Miata was rear-ended in the only moving accident in the car’s history.
  • Yulia Suprun – Sister and landlord for Galina. Caseys former landlord since he left for Australia and the locks were changed. Demanded rent payment in certified funds after Casey was repeatedly late with rent.
  • The as yet unnamed 27 year old engaged male fan who put Casey up with free room and in board in Australia who very quickly decided he wanted Casey out.

(courtesy of

Casey is hopeless. He doesn’t want to learn from experience. He wants manna to fall from heaven. He’s expecting to become a millionaire by accident. He has no intention of working. He has no empathy whatsoever. In short, he’s a sociopath.

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD or APD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association‘s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as “…a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.”[1] Deceit and manipulation are considered essential features of the disorder. Therefore, it is essential in making the diagnosis to collect material from sources other than the individual being diagnosed. Also, the individual must be age 18 or older as well as have a documented history of a conduct disorder before the age of 15.[1] People having antisocial personality disorder are sometimes referred to as “sociopaths” and “psychopaths”, although some researchers believe that these terms are not synonymous with ASPD.[2]

So, Steve –  you ain’t trolling anyone. Your brother has had the support of literally hundreds of individuals. It’s not “let’s show Casey some love”. We’ve already done that. He isn’t interested in it. All he wants to do is become a millionaire by screwing everyone else around him.

And, all signs point to you being next on his menu.