Dedicated to all things X-Tina.

Archive for April, 2011

CONFIRMED: Casey Serin went to Jamaica with his newest Sweet Virginal Line of Credit!

Good afternoon, dear SEC readers!

Do NOT say I never did anything for you!

Do NOT say I never did anything for you!

You do remember the Paradise Vacations thingie, right? You know, the guys where Casey was supposedly “couch-surfing”.

Well, I’ll be very, very suprised if he was couchsurfing. Because, if he was, he just let some dude’s couch full of his DNA (that is, assuming he can get it up with a lady).

I may feel ashamed about this tomorrow morning.

I may feel ashamed about this tomorrow morning.

And I got this reply.

Then again, maybe not.

Then again, maybe not.


Moving van… Casey in Jamaica… the Peychevs buying 4932 Dewey Drive…. Casey coming back to Sacramento. Yes, it all fits.

Let's all give Olya a nice welcome to this story

Let's all give Olya a nice welcome to this story

Or, as Casey Serin himself would say,


James Marks
His child bride must be illiterate. Or just plain stupid,
April 23rd, 2011 

I keep wanting to leave, but they won’t let me (or “Brother, can you spare a dime?”)

I swear I wanted to get away from it all, and promised myself “this time, for sure”. I did a lot of stupid things under the influence. I have no talent. My mom and dad abused me ever since I was young. I even got fat and ugly, but you still wanted me back.

But enough about Britney Spears. This is MY COMEBACK, bitches.

But enough about Britney Spears. This is MY COMEBACK, bitches.

 Honestly, I didn’t have to, but I really wanted to. I’ve apologized to those whom I hurt, but hiding behind my mistakes won’t help me grow up, and,  most importantly, I truly, honestly believed this story was over. After all, our great friend Neighborhood dot had confirmed the fact that moving trucks had been seen outside Serin Manor. To keep rambling on and on about Casey seemed like a moot point.
I had conveniently forgotten a couple of things that happened ever since the auction took place, though – many people thought they were a defense mechanism by members of the Serin Crime Family, although some others (me included) had our doubts, since, well, nobody (and I mean it) is so calm and composed after loosing (r) their family home.
B) and C) may imply that Mr. and Ms. Serin were worried about someone
throwing their wordly posessions (bought by tons of credit cards they never intended to pay back) on the streets, and that they finally succumbed to reality and decided to abandon their luxury 4 br home. But… and this is a huge
oh, yeah. That's one of the other reasons I can't seem to stop writing this blog. That butt!

oh, yeah. That's one of the other reasons I can't seem to stop writing this blog. That butt!

 Why on earth were Casey and Steve so adamant about things? That just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. None at all.
And then, shit happened.
Not that we weren’t expecting it; it’s just like those times when you eat at Taco Bell – you know what’s coming, you think you know how to avoid it, and yet, there you are, hours later, scratching the walls of your bathroom tile with your bleeding nails, screaming like a lioness in heat, moaning “Take me, You Lion King, YOU BRUTE!”.
er… well, it happens. Or so I’ve been told.
American Investors Group, LLC. I wonder - who are they?

American Investors Group, LLC. I wonder - who are they?

So, this is the message that started it all (and thank you all for posting about it on my blog). e-ROSI, the Electronic Recorder On-Line System Index was supposed to record the owner of 4932 Dewey Dr. a couple of days after the transaction took place. And something called “American Investors Group, LLC” was named as the new proprietor. Good thing it said it’s “American”! Phew, for a moment, I was worried.
Think vee foouled dem, Peychev dahling?

Think vee foouled dem, Peychev dahling?

And so, the drama started – because, who would NOT want to know who the new owners of 4932 Dewey Dr. are? Surely, they knew how to use Google – they just had to know the story, right? Well, turns out they did. Just not in the way we were expecting them to.
If the only Houston 500 you know is this one:
…then read on.
American Investors Group - Home of the Whopper!

American Investors Group - Home of the Whopper!

Still not following me? Check out the address. 521 Houston Street. Does it ring a bell? No?
Houston 525? Steve? QUOTING THE BIBLE?

Houston 525? Steve? QUOTING THE BIBLE?

Genesis Auto Enterprises, Inc. – The place where Steve “Funnyman” Serin works.  What a coincidence! The guys who bought 4932 Dewey Dr. work next door!
GEE! What a coincidence! The person next door to Genesis Auto, run by Peter Peychev, is called Olga Peychev, just like his wife!

GEE! What a coincidence! The person next door to Genesis Auto, run by Peter Peychev, is called Olga Peychev, just like his wife!

You mean, Peter Peychev, ANNA SERIN’S BROTHER? My, what an incredible coincidence. Because, it couldn’t have been that Olga Peychev was, in fact, Peter Peychev’s wife, and her company bought 4932 Dewey Drive in order to save the Serins… right?
Well, the Yolo County Clerk website has this transaction on record for the Peychevs.
Recording Date 2011-04-11
Document Number 10080
Pages 1Type ASSIGN
Grantors MERS INC
So… hey, wait a minute, there’s Peter Peychev and Olga Peychev! Did they just get a loan, or what? And the date… April 11th, 2011…
Here’s the deal, my friends.


So, I hope you now understand why this story is far from over.  I don’t know if this is a scam, an outright fraud, or whatever. But the fact of the matter is – the Serins aren’t going anywhere.


There are so many things that need to be said, so many questions that are still unanswered…
Why was Steve’s car parked as if to block entrance to the garage, when the house was safe and sound in the hands of the Crime Family (Serin, Peychev – they are all the same)?
Did the Peychev  Family suggest the Serin Crime Clan to file for BK three times in order to lower the entry price on the auction?
Will the Serin Homeless Crime Family pay the Peychevs rent? Or, was the whole deal a heartwarming gift for Peter’s sister and her retarded husband?
Was Casey involved?
Because Casey used to “talk Real Estate” with Peter Peychev – even before the IAFF days.
A pretty good Easter service at the Russian church in West Sacramento, celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Then lunch at Suprun’s, then we swing by Mistuiks, then I go to Peter Peychev’s house and talk to him about real estate.
Hey, April 16th, 2006. That was 5 years ago, basically! And it was during Holy Week. Coincidence?
I already told you, James. The Serins are as far away from me as Casey is from corporate credit!

I already told you, James. The Serins are as far away from me as Casey is from corporate credit!

You know, I can’t help but wonder – is this a one time thing, a deal made out of spite in order to help a sister, or are the new landlords a Crime Family themselves? Only time will tell, I assume. Meanwhile, both families have managed, yet once again, to evade justice by exploiting any and all loopholes available.
Kinda like me at your new home, James! Well, at least I'm sorta cuddly and cute.

Kinda like me at your new home, James! Well, at least I'm sorta cuddly and cute.

I find it pretty much incredible that a family that has:
  1. Rejected paying back every single debt they have,
  2. At least 4 cars and a flat screen TV,
  3. A son that acquired close to 2.2 million dollars in debt,
  4. A home they stopped paying for years ago,
  5. Mocked the entire justice system
Can get their home free after all. No fucking way. This isn’t happening!
But it is. And even worse, Casey has turned into a flesh-eating zombie with a stupid looking goatee and eyes like an alien. Maybe he ate a radioactive bug.
"I couldn't find a t-shirt that screamed "I'M A TOURIST!" any louder!"
“I couldn’t find a t-shirt that screamed “I’M A TOURIST!” any louder!”
And, speaking of Snowflake, someone just posted this at CI.  I suppose he saw me quitting WordPress, and he wanted to steal some of my thunder. That freakin’ bastard; can’t he have one freakin’ original idea?
i try hard to accept my past and all this i brought upon myself. The “bad things” they only make us stronger. i believe everything works out for the good of those who love each as confident and as powerful as ever in my entire life. the sky is the limit! i want to be in it for LOVE. i will always remeber those beautiful words – “for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health”

About to quit facebook for a while anyway and want to enjoy which way my life is going

Good Bye.

Anon_Caseysleuth at CampIdiot proposes the best theory I’ve ever read regarding what really happened at Jamaica – I agree with him 100%. Nobody moved out of 4932 Dewey Dr. – someone moved in!
Fuck. Fuck, Fuckety Fuck and Fuck Casey some more.

We’ve been looking at the wrong things. Totally wrong.

In all the focus on the foreclosure and possible eviction, we forgot a couple of things:

1) He had said a while back that he was getting married to the latest brainless bimbo in APRIL.
2) He took a week-long trip to Jamaica, which he couldn’t have possibly paid for himself, in APRIL.
3) A small moving van showed up outside the Serin place shortly after we believe him to have returned from Jamaica.
4) He said something about Jamaica having been great and that “we” would go back again.

Only one possible conclusion folks: The dumb bimbo married him. They went to Jamaica on a honeymoon, probably paid for by the bimbo’s parents. The small Budget truck on Saturday was not the Serins moving out, but her moving in!

Yes, she married her way into the room with the horrible wallpaper. Dumb bitch.

If anybody can come up with a better explanation of the chain of events, please let me know..

So, there you go. This is why I had to come back. If those fucks insist on laughing in the face of America, America has a right to laugh back at them. Consider this as the best irritainment your taxes can buy, and laugh your ass off.
And, in all seriousness – thank you ALL for your messages. From the bottom of my heart, there are very few things that can make someone really happy, and you did such a thing. God Bless You All (and, if you are an Atheist, well, God won’t bless you but rest assured, I’m deeply grateful for your words).
James Marks
For Love, Justice and Truth. And Tila, of course.
April 21st, 2011.

No More Mr. Nice Guy.

Or, at least, back on the Casey Saga.

Or, at least, back on the Casey Saga.


James Marks
I’d do anything for love (but I won’t do that),
April 21st, 2011

Thanks for the ride. James Marks is no more.

Hello, friends.

It’s a bit sad to type these words, but they need to be said. So there.

This blog has served its purpose, and in all honesty, it went on for quite a bit too long. This was a story about Casey, and in my opinion, the story is over with the sale of 4932 Dewey Dr.

I do not regret most of the things I posted here, since I wasn’t one of the principal players, and I tried to shift away attention from me. I hope I was able to do it. Most of the content came from all of you, and it’s still out there. You know where to find it.

I do regret that this blog’s “fame” (for the lack of a better word) went over my head, and I betrayed – yes, betrayed – real people who I consider far more than Internet names behind a screen. For that, I apologize profusely. Once again, dammit!

I cannot undo the damage, but I can end it. And so, James Marks, the personna, is no more.

Thank you for keeping up with this story. We had lots of laughs, didn’t we?

James Marks
Signing off ,
April 19th, 2011. 

Never was so much owed by so many to so few.

Thank you, Neighborhood Dot, for all your efforts. This is a pic that will live in infamy (or fame? I dunno).

Who cares about the Serin Crime Family? Have some Tequila!

Who cares about the Serin Crime Family? Have some Tequila!

Just kidding. You truly deserve all the praise you get, dude.

So long, Crime Family!

So long, Crime Family!

Honestly – I never thought I’d see this day; I (stupidly) believed Casey would put up far more of a fight (but hey, he’s more of an “ideas” guy, executing them ain’t his forte).



Remember – he was the man who was going to educate the courts on why the lender had to be sued, or some sort of Accepted 4 Value bullshit (which, ladies and gentlemen, DOESN’T WORK: exhibit A, 4932 Dewey Drive).

I see a topless Bimmer on that pic, and a nice SUV. I wonder if those are the cars of the new owners – if so, ND, maybe you should tell them to call a Priest, a Rabbi, a Buddhist Monk, a pest control dude, and to report any cuke they find to their local authorities. Oh, and ask them to destroy the family’s bathtub. Just to be on the safe side.

You know – I’m reminded of the time I had to tell the previous owners of the house I live in that they had to get out. You may think I’m a Grade A asshole, but that was one of the worst days of my life – there isn’t anything funny about watching an entire family leave your home. I still feel sorta bad about the whole deal.

Step one is under control. What's next?

Step one is under control. Whats next?

But the Serin family seems to be a bit different, at least to me. We have lots of clues about their behavior – we know they rack up debt like Rita Serin pops babies (and have no intention on paying it back), they have no respect for public property, consider other people’s money as the basis for all riches, they dislike America and all it stands for,  etc. But, personally, I can’t say I hate them. Many people have said in the past Casey is actually a nice person to be around with, I imagine Tim and Steve are the same.

I guess the Serin Crime Family is, to me, a metaphor for our entire justice system. We know there are thousands of deadbeats who abuse the system as they do – but Casey had the brains (!?!) to expose their dealings on the Internet, thinking of himself as the next Kiyosaki, or Trump (or maybe Frank Abagnale). In doing so, he opened our eyes to the incredibly sociopathical dealings of a segment of our population – the way so many people twist and destroy the basis of our society just to make their perception of reality fit within the confines of acceptable behavior. It was (is) a story full of  hate (yes, hate) towards America, contempt for every institution that makes our country so great, and, quite thankfully, the main characters completely misunderestimated

Casey Serin 2012! You could do worse, and you always have!

Casey Serin 2012! You could do worse, and you always have!

the strength of our institutions, and the flawed, but useful  basis of our legal system (myself sorta included, sometimes I also thought those guys would get away with it).

I hadn't seen so much wishful thinking ever since Casey wanted to be Houston in "The Houston 500"

I hadnt seen so much wishful thinking ever since Casey wanted to star in "The Worlds Biggest Gang-Bang 3: The Houston 500"

This is a GOOD day for us. It’s definite proof that the system works, and that’s a terrific thing for law-abiding people.

We thought Daddy Serin would file next!

We thought Daddy Serin would file next!

I’ll forever wonder if those mails people sent to  Aceituno and the gang helped the cause. The world will never know; regardless, aren’t you glad you paid your mortgage on time?

James Marks
We won, Casey. #DEAL,
April 17th, 2011 

Steve! That’s quite a strange way to park your car (or “Nice chick car, how many dudes per gallon do you get?”)

Hello, dear SEC readers! Hope you are ready for a great week-end. I’m sure you’ll agree – it’s nice to know nobody’s coming in the middle of the night to steal legally remove your belongings from your house. But then again, that’s the nice thing about paying our mortgages, isn’t it?

Of course, there’s always the alternate route: stop paying all of your debts,  get as many credit cards as you can and bring them to their limit, declare BK, transfer your properties, serially declare BK, and hope your retarded son will save your home. Could work.

Then again, maybe not.

Then again, maybe not.

Still. Not much to be said yet about 4932 Dewey Dr.; we’ll have to patiently wait until we can find out about who’s the new owner. Many people (including me) suspect there’s still more than meets the eye


about Casey and Steve’s attitude about the whole deal. But then, we get Neighborhood Dot’s pic, and everything starts making sense again:
Either you are showing off your chick car, or...

Either you are showing off your chick car, or...


What kind of BK’d family can afford a $25K, 2-seater sports roadster? WTF?

A couple of things about that pic (and once again, thank you, ND!)

1) That’s a recent model Miata – say, a 2009 or newer. Probably a 2010, since the foglights look the same.

2010 Mazda Miata

2010 Mazda Miata

2) It’s not the most expensive model, but still, it’s a $25,000 car, at least. It has the 17″ wheels, but it’s a soft-top.
3) Why would anyone park that way? I can think of three reasons. 1) you have lots of time in your hands and want your car to look ultra-cool in front of your driveway. 2) you are trying to avoid having anyone park in your driveway; or 3) you don’t want anyone trying to steal your stuff by strategically placing a moving truck in front of your garage and loading it from there.


I think the Serins are afraid of things that may go “bump” in the night. Or maybe a big ass van that will throw out all of their stuff.



Don’t worry, Steve. You’ll eventually have to move that car.

James Marks
Hey, Funky! Steve Serin has the same car  you own!
April 15th, 2011

All is fair in love and war (or “An offer you can’t refuse, Steve”)

Good morning, faithful readers.


OK, I kid myself. I have a seriously devoted audience. I just checked out my SEO, and I’m HOT, baby! HOT!

Search Terms for all days ending 2011-04-14 (Summarized)

All Time

Search Views
tila tequila 4,586
accepted for value 1,700
epic fail 1,499
a4v 1,408
accepted for value scam 1,081
casey serin 774

I find it deeply ironic that the subject of this board (Casey Serin) ranks 6th on my search engine terms, with Tila Tequila as #1, even beating A4V (my hottest topic up to a couple of months ago). I said it before and I’ll say it again -sex sells. Although, apparently, people would rather see a hot chick rather than a guy who cukes (cuked!) himself on his family’s bathroom. So, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.


(SEO ProTips courtesy of Nigel Swaby, Inc).

So, where was I? Oh yeah. cukes.

I’ve been wondering for quite a while whether Steve, Rita, or any members of the Serin family want to step forward and tell us “what really happened”. I know this is a long shot, but think about it. Maybe there’s something we don’t know about the foreclosure thing. Perhaps there’s more than we know… what if it was really all Casey’s fault, and mom and dad were innocent? Perhaps he’s in Jamaica because his parents noticed how much of a fuck-up he is; I don’t know. Either way.

If there’s a member of the Serin family who wants to set the record straight, use the “Contact me”  link on top of the page. I’ll post your story as an entry , without any comments of my own.

Yeah, I know it’s a long shot. But hey, I’d like to think myself as unbiased.

James Marks
Nobody is unbiased, but I’d like to think I am,
April 14th, 2011

Steve “Funny Man” Serin: Is there something we don’t know? (or “Are we being Keyser Söze’d?”)

Good morning, fellow SEC readers.

As I said before, yesterday was quite simply, the worst day the Serins could have been evicted – for me. I have a real job to do, and I can’t devote every single minute on them. I wish I had asked for a personal day yesterday – oh, well. Live and learn.

Anyway, a poster at CampIdiot allegedly contacted Steve Serin. This is their e-mail exchange:


I honestly wasn't expecting Steve to answer.

I honestly wasn't expecting Steve to answer.


I honestly would like someone with some psych knowledge to answer this riddle for me. I’d have expected him to still be in some sort of denial stage about the whole thing, and thus, no reply. But he’s still his same ol’ playful self – unfunny, yes, but attempting some self-deprecating humor.

This doesn’t feel right.

Your opinions?

James Marks
Seems to me they have a plan,
April 13th, 2011


Sweet Casey Serin’s Facebook Wall now shows the following message:

Well, color me confused.
Well, color me confused.

aaaaand… he’s coming back! Or going back. I dunno.

This goes into the WTF category of this blog.

This goes into the WTF category of this blog.



The pain you caused, Casey, came back to haunt you 10-fold.


 Good morning, faithful readers,

I’ll be updating this post as developments happen. So, I’ll not be adding unecessary info.






So, here you go. April 11th: OPENING BID HAS BEEN SET.


Go Kostya, Go!

Go Kostya, Go!


April 11th, 1.30 PM Pacific Time: Still ON.

April 11th, 8.00 PM PST: FULL SPEED AHEAD.





James Marks
April 11th, 2011