Dedicated to all things X-Tina.

Thanks to our old friend, Neighborhood Dot from CampIdiot, we now have the documentation of the latest Serin Bankruptcy. He has been the source of most of the never-before seen 4932 Dewey Drive pics. He has also kept us informed about everything that goes on in the household, even though he has been mistreated by some of us every once in a while (those are some of the perks we get from reading CampIdiot, I suppose).

A couple of interesting facts.

  • Why did Anna Serin file, and not Anna & Aleksei Serin?
  • Will daddy be the next to file for BK? Will Casey follow him?
  • Why didn’t they deliver all of the required documentation? Are they trying to keep delaying the procedures?
  • Why did Anna not use a lawyer this time?
  • Why did they use the same BK papers as they did the first time around, except for crossing out Alexei’s name and adding EVEN MORE FUCKING DEBT from Kohl’s?
  • Why did they file on September 17th, 2010, merely a couple of working hours away from the date their house was going to be sold?

Neighborhood Dot: thank you for taking the time to get these documents. We, the haterz™ community owe you a lot.

We are not worthy! We are not worthy! Casey is scum! Casey sucks!

We are not worthy! We are not worthy! Casey is scum! Casey sucks!

James Marks
The show must go on,
September 20th, 2010

Comments on: "The Gory Details: it was Anna Serin this time. Special thanks to Neighborhood Dot from CI!" (15)

  1. Semi Vegan Lion said:

    Why did they use the same BK papers as they did the first time around, except for crossing out Alexei’s name and adding EVEN MORE FUCKING DEBT from Kohl’s?

    Because Casey filed them would be my guess.

    “Sweet! I saved $2500 on lawyers fees this time! Sweet passive income!”

    • Married people do not necessarily have similar credit ratings. Could it be that the mother is taking on the bankruptcy history while the father is trying to repair his own credit, since he will have little or no unpaid debt and no bankruptcy in his own name?

      • Semi Vegan Lion said:

        I think both of their credit scores are ruined at this point. The mortgage was in both of their names, no matter what sort of shenanigans Casey pulled.

  2. Semi Vegan Lion said:

    Oh yeah, IIRC the new bankruptcy law doesn’t let you discharge debts incurred in the past 6 months. No weaseling out of that one Mama Serin.

  3. Me 3, Haterz 0


    Another couple of month rent free… that’s like free macaroni grill every night, on credit card. Yammmmy.

    • Me 3, Haterz 0

      Yeah… have fun hanging out with your parents on Friday and Saturday night 🙂

      • You don’t read CampIdiot, do you?
        He was out breakdancing at his $90 clss reunion on Saturday night (or ~$45 if he showed up after dinner).

        Then on Sunday he was up at Apple Hill molesting a large white duck wearing the same clothes as the night before.

        I fear the poor duck is now suffering from PTSD.

  4. I don’t see it as living rent free. I see it living in a very insecure situation, always afraid of being kicked out of the house. Financially, there is also a loss such as whatever possessions are lost or sold at a loss because it is not possible to take them into the next home or appartment, and possibly some future loss due to not having a better credit rating. There is always a price to pay, it’s just that some people are in such a bad situation that they are content to trade their future well-being and respectability for a comparatively smaller advantage in the immediate term.

    • Monica, please just stop. We are tired in our bones of this disgusting behaviour shown not just by Casey but by people who have the same mindset as Casey.

      We are tired of our government coming up with new plans to keep deadbeats like this in “their homes” because whatever the government comes up with means that the 50% of Americans who currently contribute via income taxes will continue to see them rise in order to support scammers, gypsies, and deadbeats.

      In Casey’s case it’s a triple whammy. His parents make nearly $100k per year in their government jobs (supported by taxes) while running up another $.5M in debt that defaults to taxpayers to cover, in addition to the $2M+ that Casey ran up that we’re on the hook for. Now multiply this by the thousands, perhaps millions who are pulling the same shit.

      Not trolling you, I’m just asking you to give us a fucking break and send some of that empathy our way instead of the scammers way for a change. Could you do that?

      • I was just stating a fact. There is still a price to pay, and I don’t think that constantly living on the brink of eviction is an advantage worth having.

      • Why are you a haterz?

        Wny don’t you become a loverz instead?

        Join the dark side!

  5. Also, many thanks to Neighborhood Dot. You sir/madam, rock and I look forward to the day you can clear that vermin and others like them out of your neighborhood and not suffer the blight and anger you so richly deserve to feel. You deserve better.

  6. Casey Serin said:

    See who’s doing his job and protecting his parent’s home?

    • I bow to you, master Casey.

      I once was a haterz, but now I am a loverz.

      I have seen the light.

      Please forgive me Casey for all of the hateful utterances that I have sent your way…

  7. We are waiting for the Serin’s up here at Dignity Village. After their non freeloading relatives give them the boot they’ll be here. Papa Serin mowing the yards, Mama Serin and lil Casey turning tricks for our residents.

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